ALPHA Personal helps Ukrainians with transport from Ukraine, living in the Czech Republic and becoming involved in the work process.

Michal Ševčík

I'm looking for a job

Montážní pracovnice v Ostravě

Hledáme montážní pracovnice / pracovníky pro práci v Ostravě. Čisté a klidné pracovní prostředí. Fyzicky nenáročná práce. I bez praxe, zaučíme. Máte šikovné ruce? Máme pro vás nabídku

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I'm looking for a job

Welder ISO 9606

Welding of components and constructions made of metal materials. Interesting and promising work. Do you have experience in MIG/MAG welding, ISO 9606?  We have a promising

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Výroba komponentů pro montáž nákladních vozidel. Zajímavá a perspektivní práce. Máš praxi v obsluze 3osého nebo 5osého kovo-obráběcího centra? Máme pro vás nabídku perspektivní práce s mnoha výhodami.

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Car Electrician

Assembly of trucks. Interesting and promising work Do you have experience in the field of auto electrician?   We have a promising job offer for you

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I'm looking for a job

Car Mechanic

Assembly of trucks. Interesting and promising work. Do you have experience in vehicle assembly, repair or maintenance?   We have a promising job offer for you

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Czech for Ukrainian employees

We are excited to announce the launch of a special Czech learning program for our great Ukrainian employees within Alpha Personal. Our initiative was met with

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