ALPHA Personal helps Ukrainians with transport from Ukraine, living in the Czech Republic and becoming involved in the work process.


ALPHA Personal has a reliable solution for you


The secondment service by Alpha Personal is focused on quality. We strictly adhere to applicable legislation to ensure the safety and legal certainty of your business. We carefully select our employees and provide them with the necessary support during the secondment to guarantee excellent work performance.

We work with an extensive network of recruitment centres in various European and Asian countries; we can thus find efficient and experienced employees for your specific needs. Our individual approach to clients allows us to fully understand your requirements and flexibly respond to your current needs. The quality of our services is our top priority.

Regular employees

The alpha of the process of finding regular employees for your company is that your organization will have the most qualified and capable employees at its disposal in the required amount and time. We work with you to correctly identify and approach potential talents who can strengthen your internal team. Our search methods are thorough and we focus on finding applicants who meet your requirements and fit well with your corporate culture and values.

We use modern tools and technology for effective search and selection of applicants, thus making the recruitment process easier for you. We are flexible and ready to respond to your individual needs and requirements to provide you with what you need to achieve long-term success. We aim to ensure that you will have the best people on your team, who will help you grow and flourish.

Try & Hire

Alpha Personal clients have the opportunity to try employees through secondment without immediately committing to permanent employment. If you are satisfied with the performance of our employees after a pre-specified period, you have the opportunity to make selected employees your regular ones and offer them permanent employment.

This service is flexible and saves you time and resources by eliminating the risks of improper recruitment. It allows you to verify the qualifications and skills of employees more effectively. You can thus work with a proven employee who is already part of your team.

Added value

Alpha Personal offers a number of added values to help you achieve maximum success:

Coordination services for foreign language teams: We provide effective communication, interpreting and coordination between employees from different countries and agencies for you to achieve optimal work performance.

Professional translations: We offer translations of work instructions, documents and communication in many languages to make efficient work processes and communication easy.

Accommodation of employees: We provide high-quality accommodation for our employees, allowing them to focus on their job without having to worry about poor quality housing.

Development and career growth: We strive for the long-term growth of our employees through language learning, training, skills development and support of their career growth, thus enhancing their loyalty and better performance.

Comprehensive HR solutions

Our services are not only about employee recruitment, but about the comprehensive management of the HR cycle to save your time and resources.

Flexibility: We respond to your individual needs and requirements to provide you exactly with what you need to achieve your goals.

Legal certainty: We comply with applicable legislation and ensure that your employment is consistent with local legislation.

Selection of qualified employees: We rely on the careful selection of employees to ensure that only the best join your team.

Expert support: We are here for you. We take care of everything every day so you do not have to. We take care of everything on a daily basis so that you don’t have to worry.

Commitment to quality: Quality is our top priority and we strive to keep it in all aspects of our services.